Published on May 30, 2005 By LIL RED In Life Journals
At times, which I try to all the time, I add in JUST BREATHE at the end of every article, comment, or post. Reason for this is:
I haven't had the easiest life. Just like the next person I know. For all those times when I see things aren't going to get any better, when times are hard, when I haven't got anything to show for after all that work, when something stupid I have done has made me loose what I value the most. All I can do is JUST BREATHE. I can't do anything about what has already been done therefore why fret about it. Why worry about what has is or going to happen. JUST BREATHE. Let every ounce of worry, irritation, agitation, negativity go with that breathe. That is all you got left. That is all you came into the world with a breathe just let go and only use that breathe.
Okay I think that explains enough. I could go on and on and on. But you get my point.

A Fairy and Her Warlock

on May 30, 2005
Acceptance of bad situations is a very defeatist attitude. If something in your life is going wrong, make it right! Only you can do that, but you have to want to and try.
Breathing is fine, but that is NOT the solution.
on May 30, 2005
Yes I agree it is not a solution but it will relieve the stress that is pouring down on you for that moment. That is all I meant. When you run into alot of those moments that you have no control over as a child it makes dealing with things as an adult harder yet easier. Do you understand?

A Fairy and Her Warlock
on May 30, 2005
Actually Lil Red, you are halfway there with your "Just Breathe" suggestion.

A great way to get blood flowing more freely throughout your body is to breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth, as you open and close your fists and move your toes and feet up and down. The deep breathing gets the exchange of oxygen and CO2 going deeper into he lungs (thus clearing out more CO2 and increasing the active alveoli in our lungs). The movement of hands and feet trigger the circulatory system to open up the capilaries further from the heart.

Great natural stress relief!!

Keep on Just Breathing! ;~D
on May 30, 2005
getting technical is what you are doing simple is what i do